Using the response facilities on our web site signifies your consent to us collecting personal information.



To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, has used appropriate industry standard procedures to safeguard the confidentiality of Your personal information. However, no data transmitted over the Internet can be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your personal information, cannot guarantee the security of any information that you transmit to us or from our sponsors and you do so at your own risk.

This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between You and in connection with general registration on and supersedes all prior agreements between the parties regarding the subject matter contained herein. If any provision of this AGREEMENT is found invalid or unenforceable, that provision will be enforced to the maximum extent permissible, and the other provisions of this AGREEMENT will remain in force. No failure of either party to exercise or enforce any of its rights under this AGREEMENT will act as a waiver of such rights.



It is the policy of to respond expeditiously to claims of intellectual property infringement. We will promptly process and investigate notices of alleged infringement and will take appropriate actions under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Notices of claimed infringement should be directed to:



We take any complaints raised to Phoenix Energy Solutions seriously and these should be directed to the Director immediately should a complaint arise.

The following process should be followed for complaints relating to Phoenix Energy Solutions

Company Action
The complaint is to be logged on the server in

  • A customer file should be created, and the complaint logged on the spreadsheet.
  • All complaints should aim to be resolved within 24 hours – the customer should be contacted by telephone with a letter following up the conversation.
  • The letter should include details of our plan of action and be kept updated.
  • If an agreement cannot be decided within 7 days, after receiving it into the complaint handling procedure, then either party has the right to escalate the case to the ombudsman
  • Communication between Phoenix Energy Solutions and the customer will be either by email or phone


  • The customer is to be informed of process and timelines that we are adhering to.
  • Inform the customer of our company phone number and contact name. This should be confirmed in writing.
  • If after 8 weeks, the complaint has not been resolved Phoenix Energy Solutions will provide a deadlock letter enabling you to escalate to the industry ombudsman
  • The ombudsman service is free for consumers

Types of complaint

  • Breaching the Code of Practice
  • Mis-Selling
  • Agents’ behaviour
  • General competence

The following process should be followed for complaints relating to your energy provider
1) You notice an issue or problem with your provider.
If something goes wrong, you should contact your provider straight away to give them a chance to put things right. Do this as soon as you notice the issue. Your provider’s phone number and website will be on your bill. You can make a complaint by email, in writing or on the phone.

2) Log the complaint with your provider.
If it’s a simple complaint, you might be able to resolve it with a phone call. However, if it can’t be easily resolved, you should make sure you log a formal complaint with them, rather than just talking to them about your problem.  Your provider will have their own complaints procedure, but you should start by explaining what the problem is and what you want them to do about it. They’ll be able to advise you on the next steps.

3) Supply evidence for your complaint.
We recommend that you write down the time and date of your calls, the names of the people you speak to and the details of what was said. You may need to refer to them if you escalate the case to us. If it’s a complex problem, then it’s a good idea to send a follow-up email or letter, so that you have a record of all the communication. This means there’s no room for confusion. Your provider may ask for more information to help them understand and resolve the problem. They’ll be able to tell you exactly what they need to make sure they can process it as quickly as possible.

4) Allow your provider enough time to investigate.
Your provider has six to eight weeks – depending on which one you use – to resolve your complaint. This is to give them enough time to assess the situation and the evidence to find an appropriate resolution.
During that time, they could contact you for more information. You can also contact them to see where your complaint is up to. In fact, we’d recommend you get in touch if you haven’t heard anything after four weeks, just to check your complaint has been received or is being processed. Your provider might reach a decision on your complaint at any time prior to the eight weeks. If they do, they’ll send you a ‘deadlock letter’. This normally contains a final offer and our details. At this point you’ll need to decide if you think their response is reasonable and will solve your problem. If it as dates, times and names of the members of staff you spoke to. Any other evidence that demonstrates the issue. We won’t be able to process the case without this.

5) Escalating the complaint to us.
If you’ve received a deadlock letter, or if you’ve still not resolved the issue after eight weeks, you can bring your complaint to us.
When you’re ready to start your complaint, you’ll be asked to share details of your problem, evidence and some personal information, which we’ll use to assess the situation. It’as dates, times and names of the members of staff you spoke to. Any other evidence that demonstrates the issue.

We won’t be able to process the case without this.

6) We’ll notify your provider.
When we’ve processed your complaint, we’ll pass the details to your provider. We sometimes find that after we’ve presented your case, the provider will acknowledge that it’s let a customer down and will make an offer of resolution. If you are happy to accept, it can lead to an early resolution. You will receive a notification when the provider makes an offer. You can also login to our portal to see where everything is up to at any time.

7) There’ll be a full assessment of the situation.
If the complaint remains unresolved, we’ll carry out a full assessment of the case. We base our decisions on what is fair and reasonable, taking into account:

  • Both sides of the story.
  • Relevant regulation.
  • The law.
  • What is accepted as good industry practice.

Assessments can take a long time, and some complex matters can take longer than average cases. You can speed up the process by making sure you give us all the details and evidence as soon as possible.

8) If you accept the resolution, the provider has to comply.
Your provider is bound to the resolution if you choose to accept it. We have a specialist team on hand that works alongside providers to get the remedy implemented. If your supplier hasn’t complied within reasonable time and you’ve chased them on the matter, you are free to enforce the resolution in court as the decision was legally binding.

Please use the following information to contact the ombudsman
Post: Ombudsman Services: Energy, P.O. Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF
Phone: 0330 440 1624

Email:  isn’t, you can contact us.



If you have a question, of any type, about the website or privacy policy or the use to which we put information we gather, please e-mail
We welcome your views about the website and our legal information. You can contact us with any queries, complaints or comments.



Review of these policies: keeps this Policy under regular review.

This Policy was last updated July 2022.

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